The Beginning and End of the School Day

The Beginning and End of the School Day

The ease of transition from home to school and back again is a very important part of our school day. Ensuring everyone arrives and leaves safely in the busy context of so many families coming to and from the site needs us all to work together.


Reception – Penguins and Robins

Children arrive at school though the pedestrian gate on Braydeston Avenue. The gate is open from 8.40am – 8.55am. Staff are at the gate to welcome children and check in with their adults.


At the end of the school day, staff take the children to the Key Stage 1 playground. Families can arrive from either The Dales gate or the Braydeston Avenue gate that opens on to the Key Stage 2 playground. They should wait on that playground whilst staff make sure each child gets safely to their adults. If there is more than one child being collected, the other children can walk from their class to meet their adult there.


Years 1- 6 in the morning

Our gates open at 8.40am and close at 8.55am. This means families can spread out their arrival time. Families say goodbye to their children at the gate and the children walk through the grounds to their classroom. There are always staff on the gates to support children’s arrival. Children can come in through either The Dales gate or the Key Stage 2 playground gate on Braydeston Avenue, whichever bests suits their family.


The Afternoons

1/2W Staff take the children to the Key Stage 1 playground. Families can arrive from either The Dales gate or the Braydeston Avenue gate that opens on to the Key Stage 2 playground. They should wait on that playground whilst staff make sure each child gets safely to their adults. If there is more than one child being collected, the other children can walk from their class to meet their adult there.


1/2P and 1/2A Families should wait on the piece of grass between the Green Block and The Dales gate. Staff will bring the children out to make sure they meet up safely with their adults. If there is more than one child being collected, the other children can walk from their class to meet their adult there.


Years 3-6

Children will be dismissed from their classrooms and can go home through either The Dales gate or the Braydeston Avenue gate. Staff will walk out with the children to ensure they meet up safely with their adult or leave the site safely by themselves. There will be a member of staff on both gates to ensure children have someone to help if they need it. Families can make an arrangement whereabouts on the site (or in the surrounding area) they will meet their child. Children should be very clear that they should speak to staff if any of the arrangements is not what they were expecting, including their adult not being where they usually are. If adults are running later, they should let the office know.



Our School Day


Our gates open


Our gates close

After this time, children should come to the main office


Our registers close in class

After this time children are recorded as being late


If children arrive after this time, they are recorded as late

and it is an unauthorised absence


12noon – 1.10pm Reception

12.10pm - 1.10pm Years1/2

12.30pm – 1.30pm Years 3-6


Our gates open for families to come in


School finishes


Our gates are relocked as after school clubs begin


After school clubs finish. Children are dismissed from the Key Stage 2 playground.