School Uniform

 Our School Uniform Policy

Children are expected to be physically active every day; they should come to school ready to be active. The uniform has many options so children can choose what they feel most comfortable in whilst still giving us a united feel.

If children do not come in uniform, we will lend them a school sweatshirt or a fleece.

Our School Uniform

  • A white or red polo shirt, which may have a logo on it
  • Plain (no logos or lines) grey or black trousers (These can be sports style shorts, jogging bottoms or leggings but they must be plain with no logos or stripes. Children can wear cycling shorts under their skirts), shorts, skirt or pinafore
  • A red and white gingham dress
  • A red sweatshirt, which may have the logo on it
  • A red cardigan, which may have the logo on it
  • A red logoed fleece
  • A grey logoed hooded sweatshirt
  • Flat, black shoes or ankle boots
  • Any trainers

Children may wear plain black or white trainers or bring any trainers to change in to for PE, they are not allowed to wear make-up and nail varnish. The only jewellery allowed are stud earrings which can be worn for PE. Watches can be worn but must be removed for PE.

All of these logoed items, as well as book bags and drawstring bags, are available to order on the school website from late June 2022.

For Swimming

  • Trunks (not board shorts) or a one piece swimming costume
  • A swimming hat
  • A towel
  • Goggles may be worn

How to Order

Please order school uniform using the ParentPay website (how to video below) or using this link -

Please contact for further help or information.