Pupil Leadership

Reading Champions – Reading champions help with maintaining the school library and promoting a love and passion for reading across the school.  They help change displays in the library and help younger children change their books. Each half term they read with the younger children. They are able to set up clubs and speak in assemblies to promote various reading events and to announce the weekly reading totals. They are all passionate about books and reading.

Sports Mentors

Eco Heroes – The Eco-Heroes help to ensure that our school is as eco-friendly as possible, whilst promoting a love for our planet throughout the school. The Eco-Heroes organise litter-picks in the KS1 and KS2 playgrounds, collect recycling from classrooms and raise money for eco-projects, such as our recent re-organisation of bin for recycling. The Eco-Heroes are aiming to achieve the ‘Eco-Schools’ award, and as part of this they are currently conducting audits across the school to see what is going well at the moment and how we can improve to become more environmentally friendly. The Eco-Heroes do a weekly eco-check of classroom and present the most eco-friendly class with the eco-award in assembly. 

Playground Pals – The Playground Pals help support the younger children at lunchtimes.  Their role includes setting up and modelling playground games, encouraging children to join in and modelling play co-operatively with others.  Playground Pals also share stories with children who may want a quieter lunchtime.  There is a different theme to the games each week, including skipping games, hoop games and traditional playground games.

Circle Group Leaders – Circle Groups are an opportunity for pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 to come together and share their ideas, opinions and skills within a small group that meets every week.  Year 6 pupils lead the session by taking on three roles: reader, scribe and facilitator.  Each week a letter is given to the group that contains either something to discuss or a challenge to take on.  The Year 6s are instrumental in ensuring all children participate, have their voice heard and keep their group working harmoniously.

Science Ambassadors – The science ambassadors help to promote a love of science through out our school. Working closely with the Ogden Trust, our science ambassadors have received training at Norwich School to help them develop ideas on how to engage others in science. The science ambassadors organise and check equipment for science lessons, promote a ‘Scientist of the Month’ to widen our schools understanding of scientist around the world and their achievements and are planning to start a playtime science club in the near future.