
Unfortunately, we have received a number of complaints about inconsiderate parking at Brundall Surgery. We believe this could be by parents who are dropping off or picking up their children from school. This situation is causing significant problems for the patients of the surgery. Some patients, especially those who are seriously ill or have mobility … Read more

Lost Property

Please make sure to clearly label your child’s clothes to avoid losing them. All uniforms with names written on the inside will be returned to the child’s class teacher.

Crew Club Booking

The Crew Club is now open for booking for the Autumn term. Please book through the School Gateway App.

School Of Sanctuary

Day of Welcome Friday June 17th   Next week, we will be taking part in Norfolk Day of Welcome, a project welcoming refugees and asylum seekers.  Children will be learning about aspects of forces migration at an age appropriate level, through assemblies, circle time events and ending with us taking part in live lessons on Friday … Read more

Lunch Menu Parent Pay

Due to a system error with our school lunches on Parent Pay, the menu system will be reset on Sunday, removing all bookings for the remainder of this term. Therefore, parents will need to make new bookings as a result of this reset. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Brundall School Disco Thursday 13th June

Remember to buy your Disco ticket. Reception & KS1 (Y1/2) from 3.30pm to 4.45pm and for KS2 (Years 3/4/5) from 5pm to 6.30pm. Purchase tickets through Parent Pay, sibling tickets are also available.

Summer Holiday Club

As you will know, both last Summer and at Easter we ran a very successful holiday club under the banner of our Crew Club. Whilst this was popular with families, it did present a challenge for us to ensure sufficient staff were in place (including cover for absence) and to ensure we had Safeguarding Leads … Read more

Parent Pay

As Half-Term approaches, we kindly request all families to review their Parent Pay accounts for any pending payments for lunches, clubs, and trips. Please ensure that Crew club fees are also settled.

Outstanding Balances

As the half-term holiday approaches, we kindly ask parents to review the crew club balances and settle any pending lunch and trip expenses.