Outstanding Payments.

Can we request that any outstanding payments, such as those for Crew Club, school lunches, and school trips, be made using Parent Pay?

School Uniform

It is lovely to see the children in their new uniforms, but please, can we ask that all items are named. This way, if they do become separated, they can promptly be returned to their rightful owners.

Norfolk County Council Penalty Notices

Please visit the school website for information regarding the guidance provided by Norfolk County Council for parents regarding school absences.

Yare Valley Churches Holiday Club

The Yare Valley Churches Holiday Club 2024 TEAMBUILDERS! Fun Friends Laughs and Inspiring Bible stories Tuesday 27th August – Friday 30th August at 9.30am – noon Booking is available https://bit.ly/4d8UzIU or  https://tickets.myiknowchurch.co.uk/gb/MTE0OC0zNQ/t Details are also on the Yare Valley Church website or our Facebook page

After School Clubs

Just a reminder that all of our before and after-school clubs, except Crew club, end on 12.07.24.

Uniform Donations

We have received several generous donations of uniform, which can be found at the entrance of the school office. Please come and take a look!

Outstanding Balances

As the summer holiday quickly approaches, we kindly ask parents to review the balances of their crew club accounts and settle any outstanding expenses for lunches and trips.

Lost Property

We have noticed a growing number of lost property in our school. If your child is missing any clothing, please visit the school office.

Year 6 Leavers Party

Just a reminder to all Year 6 parents that tickets for the Year 6 Leavers’ Party are currently on sale and can be purchased via Parent Pay.

Outstanding Balances

As the Summer holiday approaches, we kindly ask parents to review the crew club balances and settle any pending lunch and trip expenses.

Reading Champions Fundraiser

On Monday, 24th June, our reading champions will host a final fundraiser before the school year ends. Right after school, in the hall, there will be a tombola, a book swap (feel free to take a book), and a “guess the name of the Reading dragon’s sibling” activity. We would love to see you there!