At Brundall Primary School, we recognise the vital importance of Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) in fostering pupil well-being. We deliver a comprehensive PSHE curriculum that not only aims to enhance the emotional and social skills of our students but also meets the statutory requirements for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). This curriculum is designed to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to navigate various aspects of their lives, from forming healthy relationships to making informed choices about their health and wellbeing.

Moreover, our PSHE programme promotes fundamental British values, encourages respect for diversity, and nurtures resilience in the face of challenges. By integrating these essential life skills into the school day, we strive to ensure that every child feels valued, safe, and prepared to thrive in an ever-changing society.

Click here for details of the PSHE curriculum this year.

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