The Brundall Curriculum

We define ‘Our Curriculum’ as

‘every planned learning experience in school’

This includes the National Curriculum but is so much more than that! We want our curriculum to be relevant for every child, learning about their immediate environment and about the wider world.

Balancing the curriculum in primary school is challenging. We aim for our children to have a joined up, connected experience with learning that is full of joy and excitement. We want children to experience the rigour of learning the skills and knowledge of separate subjects, inspiring them to want to continue to learn out of school and as they move through the school system. We want them to thrive in their primary school years; yes, we are preparing them for their future but we also want them to enjoy the experience right now!

Our Reception classes continue the Early Years learning that children will have had if they have attended nursery.

In Key Stage 1 and 2, we have been working hard at designing a timetable that enables high quality curriculum delivery. We have designed our week, terms and school year to meet the varying demands of the range of subjects in the National Curriculum and the additional experiences we want our children to have. To find out more about how the curriculum is organised in each phase click on implementation and then the relevant year group.

Intent of our Curriculum 

  • At Brundall we love reading and our goal is that every child reads fluently, confidently and with enjoyment.  Reading is the key to so much learning and by becoming a confident reader it will enable children to access all future learning. Reading improves wellbeing and we believe it is an essential life skill and our ambition is to nurture a love of reading. Reading is at the centre of our curriculum.
  • We want to see all our pupils thrive as successful learners socially and academically through high quality teaching and an enriched, knowledge led curriculum; including pupils with special educational needs and, or disabilities.
  • We aim to develop independent, thinking children who are ambitious, emotionally equipped and confident enough to make good life choices.
  • We encourage our pupils to relate well to one another with confidence, care, openness and respect.
  • We aim to meet the needs of all learners in our curriculum, challenging them and enabling them to critically think, problem solve and undertake learning at a deeper level.
  • We want all pupils to develop Cultural Capital. To have the knowledge, behaviours and skills to face the future with confidence

Impact:  By the end of their time at Brundall, children will be confident within each academic discipline. They will have been exposed to subject-specific technical vocabulary at key times in a planned, coherent and organised way.  Explicit teaching and repetition of key vocabulary and concepts will provide a structure for future learning, ensuring that pupils are ready for learning in the next stage of their education.  This confidence will extend across a broad range of subjects, allowing for flexible learning in the future. Pupils will develop curiosity and a desire to acquire knowledge and experience the world around them, understanding that learning enriches their lives beyond the classroom. Children will have oppportunities to retrieve learning and apply their knowledge in different contexts.

Curriculum Subjects