
Unfortunately, we have received a number of complaints about inconsiderate parking at Brundall Surgery. We believe this could be by parents who are dropping off or picking up their children from school. This situation is causing significant problems for the patients of the surgery. Some patients, especially those who are seriously ill or have mobility issues, are unable to find parking spaces in the surgery car park during the school drop-off and pick-up times.

We have also noticed an increase in families parking in the staff car park, this includes Crew Club and after-school clubs.
If you are collecting or dropping off children at Crew Club, please park only in the bottom car park.
For any other pick-ups (unless your child is ill or you have agreed with the school), please park and walk to the school gates.

We are grateful to our parents who always park considerately. We understand that unforeseen circumstances may arise, leading you to occasionally park closer to the school. However, we kindly request that you take into consideration the impact on the local community.