
How to help your child at home?

Year groupHome learning
Year 1/ 2Reading x5 a week
High frequency words – reading words and then spelling
Maths activity from the year group booklet
Year 3 /4Reading x5 a week
Spelling activity – words given weekly
Maths activity from the year group booklet
Year 5 /6Reading x5 a week
Spelling Shed activity
Maths activity from the year group booklet

We know that pupils learn best when they practise. It helps them gain competence and helps them to improve. Even when pupils have mastered something, practising still has benefits: it reinforces the basic skills that they need to learn more advanced skills, it protects against forgetting and practice helps them to apply their knowledge and skills in different ways. Because of this, we would like all children to complete weekly homework.

Homework Tasks
The homework is designed to help pupils to practise while respecting family time by not setting big art projects that require lots of time and resources, or long writing tasks. If your child is struggling to complete these tasks at home children can come to homework club. They do not need to sign up and this can be a drop in and not a regular commitment.

Tuesday – Year 3 /4 before school from 8:15

Tuesday – Year 5 /6 before school from 8:15

We expect pupils to read at least five times a week with an adult. This could include listening to your child or sharing a book/magazine that will support your child in developing a love of reading.

In KS2 it is important to listen to your child read aloud as this type of practice allows the adult  to check their child understand what they are reading, means they can explain the meaning of words and gives an audience to listen so they can develop expressive reading. We have put together some questions that will support you in helping your child.

Maths Booklet
We have some booklets which outline expectations for each year group with some suggested activities. Please spend some time looking at these and completing some of these activities.

Pupils should write out the words at least once. To learn the spellings well, they should discuss the meaning of the words, practise writing the words from memory and be tested by an adult at home until they know them all well.

Times Table Rockstar (TTRS)
We use Times Table Rockstars to support the teaching and learning of times table fact knowledge.

Children are expected to: Play a minimum of 10 Garage games on Times Table Rockstars as part of their homework every week.

This will support our aim of children in Year 4 knowing all times table facts to 12×12 by the end of year.

Numbots is a highly engaging platform for learning to add and subtract, created by teachers and math experts. NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.

In addition, there are Maths Booklets for each year group with ideas and activities that you can do at home. At times your child’s teacher may set other work such as HFW and work around their topic.