Ethos & Values


Our values have been agreed in partnership with our children. We have discussed how we want our school to be and to feel. We agreed on our top three values:

  • to be kind
  • to be honest
  • to be safe

This will lead to us all being extraordinary!

As a staff team, we have been reading and learning from the team behind the book 'When the Adults Change'.

'Getting the culture right is pivotal. With the right culture, the strategies that are used become less important. The culture is set by the way that the adults behave.'


We are all here to make great schools within happy, strong communities so that all of us can live our lives to the full, now and in the future.  

We believe that every child deserves a primary school experience that supports their social and emotional development and well being as well as their academic progress. They should be able to flourish as they move through school, having a wide range of opportunities and experiences that not only prepare them for their future but that make life fun and exciting right now! We work closely with families, offering help and support where it is needed, ensuring they are fully involved in the work of the school, with all the benefits this brings for all of us. Our school has a hugely positive atmosphere, with every member of staff adding to the this culture and modelling the behaviours we want to see in others. Our school plays an active part in its local community and welcomes that community to contribute to the rich range of activity it provides.  

Our Aims are to: 

  • Produce confident and interested learners who actively engage in their own learning
  • Provide the best opportunities to learn, succeed and enjoy
  • Show respect and honesty for each other friendship
  • Value all pupils' participation in all activities
  • Feel safe in our school environment
  • Provide secure and fair boundaries
  • Provide secure and fair boundaries
  • Achieve academic excellence
  • Ignite curiosity
  • Have high expectations
  • Celebrate achievements of all
  • Value our environment, property and community
  • Have self-respect for the culture and values of others