
We love music here at Brundall! We express this in so many ways: in singing assemblies, the many musical clubs we provide, the varied curriculum we teach and the wonderful entertainments the children perform in.

We develop musicianship through four key areas: singing, listening, composing and performing. For example, in lessons we often ask children to lead a section in a vocal round or harmony to develop confidence and performance skills. In assemblies and class children learn a repertoire of songs which are revisited through the year and polished in terms of pitch, timing and dynamics (loud and quiet.) We learn composition skills using a variety of tuned and untuned percussion instruments plus we listen to and appraise a wide range of popular, world and classical music. Children frequently choose to solo sing favourite songs in assemblies!

The clubs we run may be singing or ukulele and are provided after school and lunchtimes. We also have a Glee Club who love to perform including in our assemblies. Year 3&4 pupils also learn the ukulele for the year. We offer one to one or one to two music lessons. These are for children from Years 3 to 6 and we currently have a waiting list. Please contact the school office to find out more about these lessons.