
Our Aim:

At Brundall Primary School, we believe that every child deserves an excellent curriculum that fosters their abilities and enables them to achieve their full potential. We recognise the immense value of technology, not only in supporting our Computing and whole-school curriculum, but also in our daily lives. Our belief is that technology can enhance collaborative learning opportunities, engage pupils better, provide easier access to rich content, aid in the understanding of new concepts, and cater to the needs of all our pupils.

Our goals are to provide an exciting, rich, relevant, and challenging Computing curriculum for all pupils, to teach pupils how to become responsible, respectful, and competent users of data, information communication technology, and to provide technology solutions that strengthen the bond between home and school. We aim to inspire and equip children with the capability to use technology throughout their lives, to teach them the importance of how information is used, stored, created, retrieved, shared, and manipulated, and to utilise computational thinking beyond the Computing curriculum.

We also strive to give children access to a wide range of high-quality hardware, software, and unplugged resources, to equip them with skills, strategies, and knowledge that will enable them to enjoy the benefits of the online world while minimising risk to themselves and others.

Safeguarding: Online Safety

At Brundall Primary School, online safety is of paramount importance. We ensure that the needs of our pupils are met by implementing the following measures:

  • An up-to-date and relevant online safety curriculum that is progressive from Early Years to the end of Year 6.
  • An embedded online safety curriculum that is integrated throughout other curriculums and part of the day-to-day lives of our pupils.
  • Online safety assemblies within each class.
  • A safeguarding policy that includes an online safety policy, which clearly outlines how monitoring of online safety is undertaken and how incidents/infringements are dealt with.


At our school, we’ve adopted the Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work for Reception to Year 6. This scheme of work empowers our teachers to deliver exciting and interactive lessons that enhance learning outcomes and enable all pupils to realise their full potential. We’re convinced that this scheme of work surpasses the national vision for Computing and offers considerable flexibility, robust cross-curricular connections, and seamless integration with the 2Simple Computing Assessment Tool.

Early Years Outcomes:

Our goal is to provide our pupils with a varied, play-based exposure to Computing across a range of settings. We firmly believe in the following principles:

  • Recording devices can enhance children’s communication skills, which is especially beneficial for those with English as an additional language.
  • Learning environments should incorporate ICT scenarios that reflect real-world experiences, such as those encountered during role play.
  • Pupils can develop confidence, control, and language skills through interactive board and device activities or by remotely operating toys.
  • We recognise the significance of outdoor exploration, supported by ICT-enabled tools.

Key Stage One Outcomes:

During Key Stage 1, children will learn about algorithms and how they are transformed into digital programs, which execute by following a sequence of instructions. Children will develop skills in writing and testing basic programs, while also gaining proficiency in organising, storing, manipulating, and retrieving data in various digital formats. Children at this stage will also learn how to communicate online safely and respectfully, protecting their personal information and recognising common uses of information technology outside of the school environment.

Key Stage Two Outcomes:

The Computing curriculum for Key Stage 2 requires students to design and develop programs that achieve specific objectives, which may involve controlling or simulating physical systems, and to break down problems into smaller parts to solve them effectively.

They will learn about Internet search engines, how they store data, and how to use them efficiently and safely, while being able to evaluate digital content critically and respect individuals’ intellectual property. Students will generate appropriate inputs and predicted outputs to test their programs and use logical reasoning to explain simple algorithms and correct errors in algorithms and programs.

Furthermore, children will be proficient in selecting and combining different software and internet services to achieve various goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating, and presenting data and information. They will learn about computer networks, including the internet, and how they offer multiple services, such as the world wide web, as well as opportunities for communication and collaboration. Finally, they will demonstrate responsible, secure, and safe use of technology and respect for digital content and intellectual property.

Overview of Computing

The Computing curriculum is in two cycles during your child’s time in a mixed age class. This ensures that your child will receive the full curriculum over two years.